Thursday, October 22, 2009

What do i want to accomplish

  • Make it Home for CHRISTMAS
Doesn't sound like too much of a stretch. I have 5 years before the baby is 18. Maybe I'll have my shit together by then!!! the book, Lawd Have Mercy....I don't know where to start!
Cancer has a mind of its own. We'll see what it has to say over time I reckon!

Feeling a little firery today. It was a roller coaster of a day for me. Going from crying to laughing to raging name it. It was going on inside of me. I must say that the thing that had me the most today was the way my husband is treated by his employer. karma will get ya buddy! them boys just need to watch out!
I can't seem to fall asleep tonight. I have a ton of plans to make for this wedding. I really hope it all goes well!
Just wanted to say a few things before bed.
Till next time,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here Goes Nothing

So, even though I often find my self on top of my soap box, I have never actually blogged about it. In the spirit of trying new things, expanding my horizons perhaps, here I am!
Read a story the other day, it was about a woman in her 4th round of a prize fight with ovarian cancer. 4th round! I am a bit confused, can the cancer still come back as the same cancer even if you are ovary free? And what are my chances of it coming back and am I actually fueling it's return by keeping one of my two hosts of said illness? I guess there was no way for me to know that ovarian cancer was going to be in my body to begin with. I don't know that I did anything in particular to cause this illness. I am nearly certain that I did nothing to avoid an illness. I despise that word right now, illness. With all the bad things it can mean. It is only 7 letters, but it is 7 letters that can wreck a good day.
I read back what I had written already, I really suck at this keeping a train of thought thing. I am now thinking that blogging is a great thing for me. It will be good to organize my thoughts and maybe even help me when I finally sit down to write that cookbook I keep talking about.
Till next time!