So, even though I often find my self on top of my soap box, I have never actually blogged about it. In the spirit of trying new things, expanding my horizons perhaps, here I am!
Read a story the other day, it was about a woman in her 4th round of a prize fight with ovarian cancer. 4th round! I am a bit confused, can the cancer still come back as the same cancer even if you are ovary free? And what are my chances of it coming back and am I actually fueling it's return by keeping one of my two hosts of said illness? I guess there was no way for me to know that ovarian cancer was going to be in my body to begin with. I don't know that I did anything in particular to cause this illness. I am nearly certain that I did nothing to avoid an illness. I despise that word right now, illness. With all the bad things it can mean. It is only 7 letters, but it is 7 letters that can wreck a good day.
I read back what I had written already, I really suck at this keeping a train of thought thing. I am now thinking that blogging is a great thing for me. It will be good to organize my thoughts and maybe even help me when I finally sit down to write that cookbook I keep talking about.
Till next time!