Monday, February 20, 2012

Heaven Got a Little Better Today

Death is not a topic that I am very familiar with. I have lost very few people that were really close to me. But I have faced my own mortality a time or two. When the bright light over takes me, and I have to give an account of all the crappy things I've done in my life, I really hope the few good ones add up to enough to get me in to the ghetto of Heaven!
I find it hard to process the rainbow of emotions felt when someone passes away. I guess I have a bad problem that most people that I knew who have died happen to be one on one with Jesus and I know they went to Heaven. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I know he looks a little young, but this is the love of my life and I can not WAIT for him to reside with me!!!!! Bring on May/June 2012!!! I've been waiting for this for a decade!