Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's been a long long time.

Not sure of anyone is following this blog any longer. I've vowed in the past to be a better blogger. Maybe I need an interesting topic, or a captive audience. Maybe I need to sex it up a little...who knows. But it's nice to show my blog page some love from time to time

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Almost March

Time Marches On, March Roars In like a Lion and Out Like a Lamb, I March to the Beat of MY own drum, Marching Band.....thank gosh for Marches! Daylight savings time does its thing. Spring begins so people can bitch about it being cold but not being winter. Finally me good friend winter can rest. Let another season take blame for peoples bad attitudes.
March will bring a trip to MS, the last month of my oldest sons civilian life, and me another month closer to visiting my friend Dr. Vale.
But on this last day of February...I hear sleet hit my roof!!! Carry on Winter!! I won't rush March.

Monday, November 5, 2012

You never know

You never know when those words will rock your world. You never know when the fairy tale will end. You never know how much you can take, until you can't take any more. You never know how strong you are until you have everything to lose. You never know how quiet you can be until the words you have mean nothing. You never know how you will make it through, but time after time you do. You never know who is watching you pick up the pieces with grace and dignity, learning from your example. You never know when love will be all you have left and that's all that mattered all along.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Most days I am a confident woman. At peace with my past. Comfortable with my present. Anxious to see the future. There are so many dreams that are achieved each day by so many people that I love</p>

side note months later: little did i know how fucking hard the next few days after this post would end up being. Feb 25 and I'm still not sure I'm ok.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ohhh my eye

Most days I seem to feel ok. Most days I make it pain free. Most days I don't have to worry about the sun, or heat, or cold, or smells making the next few hours impossible. You may get headaches, you may get migraines, you may have sinus issues. But until you deal with a tumor behind your eye, you don't understand this pain. Poke your foot with an ice pick from the bottom straight through to the top of your skull. Then you'll get it.
Today is a simi-shitty day. My eye could fall out in the floor and as long as I could rub behind it, I would be ok.
It's kind of crazy that I am being denied care. I am totally not used to not getting what I want. The wait will do me good.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Starting over

Here starts the story of the rest of this journey, as we continue trying to find treatment for these tumors that plague me. I hope my trails and tribulations can perhaps save some other persons life.
I will be posting research findings and tips and techniques that have helped me live each day to its fullest.
Thanks for reading, more to come in the near future.